Lecture by Thom Faulders.
https://www.ksuflorencecaed.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/marion-brenner_bamscape1001-068_resize-e1428171804395-1021x1024.jpg 1021 1024 Kent State University, Florence Program | College of Architecture & Environmental Design Kent State University, Florence Program | College of Architecture & Environmental Design https://www.ksuflorencecaed.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/marion-brenner_bamscape1001-068_resize-e1428171804395-1021x1024.jpgOn Tuesday February 11, 2014, Thom Faulders, founding partner of FAULDERS STUDIO, Oakland, CA (faulders-studio.com) will be at Palazzo Cerchi presenting recent works by his office. The lecture will be introduced by John Loomis.
FAULDERS STUDIO works at the intersection of commissioned architecture, permanent public art installations, international museum and gallery exhibitions, and speculative design research. Led by architect Thom Faulders and based in Oakland, CA, the multi-disciplinary practice believes that the built environment can function as an open condition: a responsive medium activated through an exchange with contextual phenomena and dynamic perceptual interactions. By transforming simple materials into vibrant spatial formations, the studio’s projects are embedded with unique strategies that sync stability with change. These works are informed through and defined by investigations into emergent and unpredictable behaviors often present in complex artificial and natural systems.