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Fall 2018, Graduate students’ course field trip to Madrid.

Graduate students’ course field trip to Madrid.

Kent State University Florence – CAED graduate students are visiting Madrid with prof. Giovanni Damiani, their instructor in their “European Cities” course, and with prof. Alberto Francini, their graduate studio instructor. There they will meet the faculty and students from University San Pablo CEU – Institute of Technology – Department of Architecture and Design, since…

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The Kent State Forum on the City: MADRID.

The Kent State Forum on the City: MADRID.

After Milan, Rotterdam, Rome, Genoa, Turin, CittaEmilia, and Madrid, the eighth edition of the Forum is dedicated to MADRID. Our attention derives not just from the fact that Madrid is one of Europe’s largest metropolitan regions, a socially magnetic and cosmopolitan city that is culturally and economically alive. There are, in fact, several reasons for our choice:…

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