Fall 2018, lecture by Gabriele Mastrigli.
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Lecture by Gabriele Mastrigli.

Architect and critic Gabriele Mastrigli, professor of “Theory and Design” at University of Camerino, will be our guest at Palazzo Vettori on Tuesday October 2, 2018. He will deliver a lecture, titled “Archive S, M, L, XL”, as part of the “Theories of Architecture” course directed by Marco Brizzi.

Gabriele Mastrigli is an architect and critic based in Rome. He teaches “Theory and Design” at University of Camerino. He has also previously taught Architecture Theory and Studio at Cornell University and the Berlage Institute of Rotterdam. His articles and essays appeared many magazines including “Domus”, “Log” and “Lotus international”. He edited Junkspace, a critical anthology of Rem Koolhaas’ seminal writings (Quodlibet, 2006, Payot, 2011). He recently curated “Superstudio 50”, an extensive exhibition about the Florentine radical group, held at the Maxxi in Rome. In this occasion he published the volume Superstudio Opere (1966-1978), (Quodlibet, 2016).